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Profile of the CIDM


The CIDM - Centro Internazionale di Documentazione sul Mosaico (IMDC - International Mosaic Documentation Centre) - is a section of the city of Ravenna’s Art Museum, established to promote research and study and to enhance the value of mosaic.

Significantly, it was in Ravenna, undisputed protagonist in the field of mosaic art, that the idea arose to create a place of reference for the study of this subject, with the aim of promoting the ancient splendour of the Justinian Age and, at the same time, keeping up this tradition in the modern world.

The founding of the CIDM was launched in 2003, by a promotional committee of experts in various areas of knowledge, coming from:

- Institute of Artistic, Cultural and Natural Heritage of the Emilia Romagna Region;

- Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, University of Bologna;

- Faculty of Cultural Heritage Preservation, University of Bologna, Ravenna branch;

-  Fine Arts Academy of Ravenna;

- "P.L. Nervi" State High School of Arts in Ravenna;

- "G. Severini" Institute of Mosaic Art;

- School of Mosaic Restoration in Ravenna;

- Superintendence for Architectural Heritage in Emilia Romagna;

- Superintendence for Architectural Heritage and the Landscape in the provinces of Ravenna, Ferrara, Forli-Cesena and Rimini;

- Superintendence for the Historical, Artistic and Ethno-Anthropological Heritage in the provinces of Bologna, Ferrara, Forli-Cesena, Ravenna and Rimini;

- RavennAntica Foundation;

- International Association of Contemporary Mosaicists.

The creation of the Centre is also part of the larger European Interreg III A Adriatic Cross-border Project, UNESCO Adriatic Sites, which provides most of the funding.

As a part of the project, the following are partners of the City’s Art Museum - Ravenna Municipality:

- Province of Ravenna;

- Province of Ferrara;

- Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, University of Bologna;

- Faculty of Cultural Heritage Preservation, University of Bologna, Ravenna branch;

- Institute of Artistic, Cultural and Natural Heritage of the Emilia Romagna Region;

- Municipality of Parenzo (Croatia);

- Archaeological Superintendence of Istria.

Other funding comes from contributions made by the Monte di Bologna e Ravenna Foundation.

In order to pursue its own goals, the CIDM is operating in various directions: from the creation of specific databases to the organization of study conventions.

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